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Gm Application

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Gm Application Empty Gm Application

Post  GummiBear Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:20 am

Name: sander
IGN: Its gonna be GummiBear
Age: 13
How long have you played Global? :3 years

Have you ever been a GM? : Yes, 3 times

What can you do as a GM? :I can help other players with questions they might have [if I know the answer lol] ,
I can catch hackers [lol good experience with that XD]
I can tell other people that this server is awesome [because it is]

What are your best qualities?:very social [XD], make friends easily, I know ALOT about maplestory in general, [lol =\ ]
I'm good at graphic design and i'm good at most computer stuffs [except coding for private servers and everything XD]

How will you help out our server? : can help people that are new to MapleStory, maybe get comfortable to the game interface. Many people say i have a friendly personality so I will be as helpful as possible. I also am used to the being Gm and the responsibilities that come along with the power. I have been in the GM position for 3 months. I also familiarized myself with the GM commands that are needed to go along with the occasion. I like sponsoring event so maybe I can be Sophie's assistant. If not I can just look after the server. (Take care of hackers/Help others by answering questions and all that.)

Anything else you would like to say?:not realy :;D
Will you help out the server as much as you can? : YES!


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-04-30

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