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my Gm application Rayman ^_^

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my Gm application Rayman ^_^ Empty my Gm application Rayman ^_^

Post  Rikimaru Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:18 am




Time Zone:GMT+8

Where do you live:philippines

Why should we choose you as GM:cus i wanna help this server out and make ppl happy

What brings you to NightMareMS:I like this server and some ppl told me about this server so i check it put

How active can you be every day: more like 24/7 if i dont go out but sometime my lil bro gets in my way ....

What does it mean to NOT abuse your power:i do not abuse my powers to any1 and i abuse my powers i will do a sorry message

How long you been in our server:3 days

What is your MSN/AIM or any contact info:dont have sorry

How will you help NightMareMS:By letting ppl to know about this server and helping out ppls problem in the server

If you are flooded with questions, how will you resolve this situation:by answering it quickly and intellegently and doing it 1 by 1 to that i can answer it cleary and responsibly

Do you have Any GFX/Graphic design skills :dont have

What if we catch you giving out of free items to players:I will never do that its the gm law and if i do ill do a sorry mesagge or ban me if u want ...

Have you been a GM before:didnt cus i was denied by the owner idk why but i wanna be 1 though.

If so, what servers and how many times: **Attach a picture**

Write a Summary about yourself:I play sport alot and im mvp on basketball 1st prize on badminton 1st prize on chess well i like playing maple alot and playing my xbox,psp,wii till i get bored i play with my friends i am a Filipino in the philippines i speak english.tagalog,bisaya i hoping to be a philippines airforce group to be a pilot in there hehehehe but if i dont im gonna be a commercial pilot


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-04-21

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my Gm application Rayman ^_^ Empty Application on Hold.

Post  Token Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:15 am

Thank you for applying. Iam sorry to say that we dont need any more Gm's at the time.

Note:This app is on Hold.

Thank you,


Posts : 16
Join date : 2009-04-18

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